
Linog 1015/2013 We Remember

Remember the fallen.
Remember the fear.
Remember the grief.
Remember the heartache.

Remember faith.
Remember strength.
Remember kinship.
Remember resilience.

Remember relief.
Remember gratitude.
Remember grace.
Remember love.


Done -- Building a Better Response E-Course!

I started this over the weekend, Building a Better Response, a self-paced e-certificate course, which aims to enhance the capacity of national and international NGO workers and other humanitarian actors to engage with the international humanitarian coordination system in a manner that improves overall coordination and responds to the needs of crisis-affected populations.


Rouge-ish Moon in Siquijor

Gipamugos nga red.
I was in neighboring Siquijor island for Akbayan Central Visayas' Campaign Management Training the days (and nights) where the the blood moon was set to rise.

Unfortunately, we were at the side of the island that does not face the east. So no moon rise view for us. The supermoon was still stunning though, even though it wasn't so super-large.

See you in 18 years, blood moon.